Sunday, December 18, 2016

10 Smart  Ways to Make Yourself Cheat-Proof

You and I both know it. The internet is full of scammers and crooks just waiting to take your money. People are flocking online in droves, and hidden among them are the crooked ones, the inept ones, and the shady dealers.

You on the other hand want to honestly earn some extra money on the net so you can take care of your family and just do the extra things your salary just will not do. I want to share ten simple ways you can ensure that you do not lose your money online. After all, you want to earn money, not lose it.

Here we go then, ten (10) simple things you can do online to earn extra income. Remember them, practice them, and you should fare better than most people who plunge headlong into the dark abyss of the Internet without benefit of an experience person to help them.

1. Check out who is running your next affiliate program. That is, see who is behind the website. If you find a name or two, do a Google search on that name so you will know a little about them. Many people agree that affiliate programs can provide a quick way to make money online. This is good and usually true but ONLY if you will get paid.

If you are going to depend on the affiliate manager to send you a cheque, then you should know who that person is. What kind of reputation does he have? Has he been doing this for a while? Does he/she have a forum? At forums you can get candid advice, good and bad. We strongly suggest that you use reputable affiliate programs, not some Johnny come lately that no one knows.

Here is a quick example of an affiliate program that went bad. There was an operate named Howard Moreland at (now gone). He came online with a plethora of seemingly useful and lucrative programs. He recruited over 70,000 affiliates in a two-tier affiliate program in a very short time. People sold a lot of his programs including myself. Did he pay his affiliates? No! There are thousands of affiliates who are left without a cent in payment.

Here was another crook dressed up in sheep's clothing. Look out for them. Look out for testimonials from affiliates from any affiliate program you are interested in. If you cannot find any good references, look for something else. Better yet, sign up with click bank or commission junction. These are reputable operators who will pay you.

2. Stay away from HYIP type programs. HYIP means High Yield Investment Programs. Usually, these pay very high interest rates, like 2 to 5 percent per day. They are supposed to be passive investments, that is to say, you simply lend your money to the admin and they pay you back interest over time, but they rarely ever work.

Be realistic, if these people could earn these kinds of interest rates, then everyone would be doing it. People like PIPs, Solid Investment, and others never really panned out and left investors holding on thousands of dollars of useless electronic blurbs. Most HYIP's are just money schemes.

Some of these operates have good intentions but their business plans are lousy and once they fail you will lose your money no mater how well intentioned they operator is. Other operates are just plain crooks. They never give you real names, pictures, addresses, etc. Crooks love secrecy. Always remember that. There are exceptions to the above.

3. Stay away from Paid To Surf Programs. I have had lots of experience with these programs. Usually they fail because the operators run into trouble with the business model or with the authorities in the country where they operate. No matter what they say, they are usually taking your money to pay the people who came in before you. Their promised returns are usually too high and cannot be sustained.

Paid to surf programs sound good but you will lose money. Now don't get me wrong. Others have made huge profit from these programs, but usually at the expense of those who lost money. Do you want to be one of those who lose money? Take my advice, run from these operators.

4. Be very certain of how you will get paid. When joining network type programs, with new operators, find out how they will pay you. Here's an example of what I mean. I signed up with a popular and very aggressively run program online.

I've been paid on time every time but alas! I still cannot get my hands on my money. They ONLY pay through their own payment gateway, which in turn can either send money to your bank account (US and Canada only), your debit card, or Paypal.

Paypal closed their account which for someone like me only leaves the debit card option, but they are many weeks behind in delivering those cards. So you guessed it. My money is sitting in their payment gateway but I am not able to touch it. In the meantime I am expected to pay my monthly subscription.

My advice, check out how you will get paid from affiliate or network programs. At the very least, the program you want to join must allow you to get a cheque in the mail. Alert pay, e-bullion, and e-gold are also good options. The more ways they have to pay you the better.

Here's another final example. A few months ago I was doing quite well selling for an affiliate program online. I made almost 20 sales and was paid for each of them via PayPal. There was no problem there. Suddenly they went offline and when they came back they informed us all that they had a few problems with Paypal and from now on they would be paying via Storm pay.

I immediately stopped promoting their program. Here's why. This is the same Storm Pay that barred me from going into my account, took out my money without cause and then ignored me and the 1000's of other storm pay members who were similarly affected. I understand that some members lost up to $18,000 to storm pay.

Needless to say, I have stopped promoting that program. My Storm Pay account was abandoned long ago, once I took out my credit card information from their back office.

5. Beware of dishonest payment operators. You can save your money and a lot of hassle if you stay clear of certain payment gateways. Some are still around but they have proven themselves dishonest and I will not recommend them. From my experience, one such gateway is Storm Pay. This program is run by dishonest people. I know the potential harm that can be done to other people's reputatin by that last statement, but I was personally affected by them and can prove it. Stay away from them.

E-gold has come under a lot of scrutiny lately especially after Business Week Magazine did a piece on them that was less than flattering. E-gold does not do much due diligence on its members and there in lies the problem, at least in the eyes of government agencies. Personally, I have never had a problem with them. I personally think that in terms of working amicably with their honest members, they have a better program than PayPal.

Paypal can be quite heavy-handed. Be careful with them. Never leave lots of money tied up in their system because if they freeze your account for any reason, it will be another 6 months before you will get access to it again. I do not run any affiliate program so I have had no problems with PayPal. As long as you stay within their rules, you should be fine.

6. You can lose money through opportunities that sound too good to be true. If someone wants you to send them over $200.00 for a secret program that they will not reveal on their website, be very careful. You may lose your money to a scam. This is especially so, if they do not accept credit cards for the transaction and do not offer a money back guarantee.

When you pay with a credit card, you can always request a refund if you are not satisfied. Failing this, you can ask your card provider to get back your money. If you have to send them a cashier's cheque for these amounts, you may very well lose your money.

7. Beware of money games. If an opportunity is just a money game where you send a bunch of $5.00 payments to a list of people and you expect others to do the same, you could lose more than your money. You may lose your credibility. Integrity is a precious commodity online and once gone, you may never get it back.

Would you tell your friends and associates that this is the program you operate? Will you send out emails from your account with your full name when you promote this scheme?

If the program cannot stand the light of scrutiny, then you may be throwing away good money, no matter what the hype on their website says. There will be many people like you who will feel just as uncomfortable with this program as you do. That's why it will probably not work. If a program does not promote a good service or product, then it is a money game. Stay away or you may lose your money.

There you have it then. These are some of the ways you can prevent fraud against yourself and your loved ones. There are many more, but then this article will become a book, hmmm a book. Now there's an idea.

10 Immediate Ways To Make Money Online

As you are begin surfing the web and been directed to this article, I'm sure you have already been exposed to many web advertisements. There are many people out there making money online while in the comfort of their home, enjoying flexible working hours with no office wear needed, or maybe not even wearing anything.

Below are 10 ways that you can be like them. Don't expect to be an internet millionaire overnight. But certainly with consistent efforts you can make a few hundreds a month easily or even thousands if you work a bit harder.

1. Be a blogger – Start a blog (by the way, it's free) to write about something you are passionate about or you have certain domain knowledge to share. If you can write well and make people interested about your posts, then you can monetize your blog. One popular way is to sign up with Google Adsense to have ads appearing on your blog. Someone click it, you earn.

2. Online Counselor – If you have the knack and patience to lend a listening ear. Many people prefer online counselor because they can remain anonymous. You can start your own website to sell your service. Drive web traffic to it and start building up your customer base. If you don't know how to build a website then a Facebook page will be good enough to get you up and running. You will be paid on hourly basis.

3. Translation – If you know more than one language well, there are many such jobs available. There are many freelancer sites and forums where you can register yourself to express your interest. Usually you charge them on each translated word.

4. Sell your unused items – Ransacked your garage, wardrobe, under your bed… There bound to be many stuff you have bought on impulse. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Easiest way to encash your trash is to register as a seller with eBay.

5. Participate in Paid survey – There are many new marketing ideas everyday and marketers need sounding boards to test their ideas. Register yourself with such sites and when there are suitable surveys they will notify you. You just have to answer the questions truthfully.

6. Part time data entry jobs – You have spare time on hands, a ready computer for use and armed with good typing skills, speed and accuracy; and you can start earning money. Sites like elance or guru will be a good starting point.

7. Software load testing – Software needed to be tested before that are sell over the shelves. Register yourself for load testing jobs and you can help to test for bugs and comment to improve on the product. Of course, you can have bragging rights to have the software before it hits the market.

8. Build websites – If you have the necessary skills, you can make lotsa extra cash this way. There are hundreds of start-ups looking for an online presence but without time and knowledge. If you are good, you will get more than enough referrals than you can handle.

9. Start an online shop – You can sell on eBay or amazon. You will not always need to have to make your own product to sell. If your neighbor is into knitting, knock onto their door and start a joint venture.

10. Stock Photography – You need to justify your impulse buy on the latest DSLR. You can take good pictures and sell them as Stock Photographs. You can make from a few cents to hundreds of dollars depends on the nature and demand of your photos.

There are many other ways that you can make money online. Some can give you extra allowance to buy some nice clothes and some can replace or even surpass your day job income.

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